Our Policies

1. Children’s Palace welcomes all children ages Birth to 12 years. The center is open January through December. Tuition Payment Procedures: Your child’s tuition is a yearly fee, broken into monthly or weekly fees for ease of payment. There are two programs from which you may choose, weekly or monthly.

2.  Children’s Palace offers each family a onetime free enrollment at the time of initial enrollment. If a family decides to leave the center after this initial enrollment a re-enrolment fee of $100.00 per child will be required. A payment plan for this re-enrollment fee will be offered at management’s discretion.

3. We are open from 6:30a.m.-7:00p.m. Monday-Friday. (IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR CHILD BY CLOSING TIME) Any child not picked up before closing time will be assessed a late fee of $10.00 for the first 15 minutes and $1.00 for every minute thereafter.

4. Our payment policy is payment in advance of service. Tuition is due on Monday and will be considered delinquent at 6:00p.m. Wednesday, at which time a $7.00 late fee will be added. Service can be terminated if an account is over due one week.

5. Returned checks for whatever reason will result in a $35.00 charge. Recurrent returned checks will cause the tuition account to be collected on a cash basis only.

6. The center will be closed for the following holidays; New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Eve/ Day. There is no reduction in fees for holidays. If the center is closed due to inclement weather, you will be notified of the closing by local radio.

7. All enrollment forms including a current immunization record signed by a physician or other health source must be on file prior to your child’s first day in the center. Form 3231

8. Routine visits to a doctor, clinic, or dentist are the responsibility of the parent.

9. Sick children with 101 degree or higher oral temperature and one other symptom such as diarrhea, sore throat, etc. SHALL not be brought to the center. Any child developing the above while at the center will need to be picked up by the parent immediately. Center will contact parents by phone numbers provided on centers application.

10. Children’s Palace will notify parents in case of exposure to a noticeable communicable disease. Parents should notify Children’s Palace if their child has a communicable disease. Children with a communicable disease, as defined on the chart of communicable diseases, shall not be allowed re-enrollment into the center without a note from a doctor.

11. Medicine will be administered at 10:00p.m. and 2:00p.m. only upon written authorization by the parent. Medicine must be provided in the original container with the child’s name clearly labeled. Parents are to present the medication and sign the daily medication form and reclaim the medication when picking up the child. WE WILL NOT ALTER THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BOTTLE.

12. All injuries and accidents will be reported to the parents. Should medical care be necessary and Children’s Palace cannot reach the parent by phone numbers provided on centers application, Children’s Palace will notify the child’s physician and/or Children’s Palace will take the child to the nearest emergency medical center.

13. All children attending Children’s Palace Early Learning Center will need to purchase center insurance. This insurance only covers a child while at the center or participating in a center sponsored activity (field trips). If a family has personal insurance this will be deemed the primary insurance. A child not having insurance, this policy will be deemed primary. The cost of the insurance is $11.00 a year per child, and must be paid before a child can attend. Due in January

14. Your child’s clothing should be comfortable and easy for him/her to manage. Tennis shoes or soft soled shoes are required. No sandals, flip-flops, open toe shoes, or hard heeled boots will be allowed for safety reasons. All articles of clothing must be marked. One change of clothing shall be left at the center.

15. In the event of severe weather and evacuation of the building, due to a gas leak, fire, or physical plant problem, children will be transported by Children’s Palace to the nearest emergency shelter. Please call 911 for information in this case. Emergency plans have been developed and are posted for parent viewing.

16. Children are provided educational equipment and toys at the center and should be discouraged from bringing toys except on special days.

17. Children are accepted to the center who will profit from group experience in this setting. During the first three (3) months it may be determined that the child will not profit from this service and other arrangements must be made by the parents.

18. Children’s Palace Early Learning Center reserves the right to dis-enroll any child that we determine is a threat to them self, another child, or our employees.

19. Children’s Palace provides a nutritional, well-balanced, hot lunch, in addition to morning and afternoon snacks. Weekly menus are posted in advance in the center and the parents may refer to these anytime.

20. Since snacks are served in the morning and afternoon, and lunch, children should not bring food, snacks, or gum unless arrangements have been made for special events or holidays.

21. The parents will provide disposable diapers, pull up’s, wipes, baby food, infant bottles for his/her child. If a child should run out of either diapers or pull up’s Children’s Palace will provide them to you at a cost of $2.00 per item. All bottles must be clearly labeled with child’s name and date. Food sent must be unopened. All unused food and formula will be disposed of after use. All bibs must be snap on or Velcro. On an infants first day at the center, parents will be given a written formula and feeding plan. This must be updated by the parents every three (3) months. Infant are checked often for diapering. If your child is toilet training a schedule has been developed by the staff to ensure efficient opportunities are provided this training. All efforts will be made to continually check your child’s need in this process.

22. Each preschool child in the center will have the advantage of an afternoon nap each day.

23. We are able to offer a family discount for families with more than one child enrolled at the center. The second child of any family will receive a 10% discount off the regular tuition rate and an additional 5% off the next oldest child for a family of three. This discount will be applied to the oldest child’s tuition. Each center offers other discounts and offers, please see your director.

24. Children’s Palace as a mandated reporter must report any suspected child abuse, neglect, exploitation, or deprivation to the Department Of Family And Children’s Services or local law enforcement.

25. State law requires no smoking on Children’s Palace Early Learning Center property while school is in session. This is considered a misdemeanor and can be punishable.

26. Children’s Palace agrees to obtain written authorization before your child participates in routine transportation, field trips, and special activities away from the center. A form will be used to ensure all children attending any out of center activity are checked in and off the vehicle at each stop. At the end of the day a van check list will be gone through to ensure the vehicles are clear of all belongings.

27. Children’s Palace uses positive guidance techniques, including redirection anticipation and elimination of problems. We use positive reinforcement and encouragement to instill confidence and self value. Corporal punishment is strictly prohibited in any form. “Time Out” with limits for each age group is our only disciplinary action. We stress interaction between teachers and parents to help in solving problems that may arise.

28. The following information is posted in the center: our license, copy of the rules, review of evaluation report, communicable disease chart, statement of parental access, names of persons in charge, current weekly menu, emergency plans for severe weather and fire, statement for visitors.

29. At Children’s Palace Early Learning Center we encourage parent participation in all activities we provide. Understanding that parents may not have the ability to attend all events and activities Children’s Palace Early Learning Center will work to provide the parent(s) with updates on their child’s activity progress. Parents of enrolled children will have the ability to access the center at their discursion during operating hours.

30. Vacation and Sickness Procedures: If a child does not attend school for a full week (for a maximum of two (2) weeks each year) and if the center is notified on later than Tuesday of that week, one half (1/2) of the normal tuition is charged. It is best to notify the center in writing or by direct phone contact. If a parent has used the two (2) weeks of half tuition allotment, full tuition will be charged even if the child is not in attendance. Each full-time (a family that comes the whole year not just during the summer) family will receive one (1) week of vacation free each year. This week will be honored with a two (2) week notice.

31. Only Parents/Guardians or an appointed person will be allowed to sign their child/children in and out each day or escort your child/children in and out of the center. This information will be kept for a six month period.

32. The tuition for your child/children with discount added will be:

$__________._____ per week $__________._____ per month IN.__________

I, the undersigned, have read and understand the policies of Children’s Palace Early Learning Center and agree to the provisions above.

Parents Signature Date